Evangelistic rectangles
What are these rectangles about?
God gave me this fantastic ministry called Evangelistic Rectangles, which is a different way of doing evangelism.
The Communion of God and Man
Men are separated from God because they are sinners, see how to have communion with God through the new birth.
Are your spiritual eyes open?
I’d like to do a little reflection with you! But first, answer yourself… Are your spiritual eyes open?
This may seem like an unusual question, but many people allow themselves to be spiritually blind, and so suffer in spirit! And in this video I’m going to bring you truths that you NEED TO SEE in order to save yourself from damnation!
Do you have a covenant with God?
Have you ever stopped to think about it? Are you in covenant with God?
Know that it’s important to be in union with our Lord! Otherwise we could face eternal punishment. All of this stems from the evil roots of Sin, which separate us from paradise more and more!
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"But to those who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
Jonh 1:12
The Total Evangelism ministry was born out of God's will and inspiration more than 20 years ago
I’m Missionary Alexandre Marques da Silva, I have a degree in Ministerial Theology from the Betel Brazilian Seminary.
My dream is to be an instrument of God to bring Salvation to the whole world.
Evangelism is not an option, but an obligation.
Do you have any questions? Would you like to know more, or have more information? Get in touch, we’ll be happy to share it with you.